Sunday, November 29, 2009

Back on track

Yes I have been on a hiatus from blogging...and I miss it!  I will be back in the real world and blogging again tomorrow.  I also have a lot of reading to catch up on as well.  I need to find out how to add tabs to the top of my blog that link to different pages, so if any of you are tech experts on how to modify blogger please help.  Until then have a great rest of your weekend!


  1. Well no help for you on the "tech" front.:)

    But about your mule...I know of mules that are capable of jumping a 5' fence from a complete standstill. That is why so many lion and coon hunters prefer them. Rather than have to let a fence down or look for a gate, they simply throw a coat or blanket over the fence and ask the mule to jump it. Pretty cool if that is what you wish...not so much if she has figured out how to do it on her own. :O

  2. Doing that on Blogger is really difficult. If you really want to make your blog easier/look better, the easiest thing to do is to register a domain name, use blue host (or the girl that hosts mine) and switch to wordpress. It's a bit harder to figure out how to use, but once you do it makes a lot more sense than blogger, and is easier to manage. And you can get the page tabs across the top like I have on my blog.
